With the modifications made to fleet management technology—fleet managers have considered taking the excessive fuel consumption into their consideration, and it has required them to take initiatives for saving money on excessive fuel usage. No matter what the size of a fleet might be, the challenge of preparing a budget for fuel should be overcome by coming up with a profitable solution.
The cost of fuel has accelerated considerably over the years, and it has resulted in the fleet managers to devise strategies for saving fuel costs. The use of GPS tracking devices is considered to be one of the cost-effective methods for managing the consumption of the fuel. When handling a fleet, the occurrence of low profit margins, heavy competition in the market, and steady transportation services are more likely to slow down the growth of a business. On the contrary, a fleet manager should be familiar with fuel saving modules for saving additional money. It requires them to come up with a plan which can not only reduce the costs of fuel consumption—but, also offers them with a considerable return on investment. The following five ways discusses the use of GPS technology in saving the fuel costs.
Minimizing engine idling time:
It is no wonder that idling keeps the engine on, even when the vehicle is in a stationary mode, and it results in consuming the double of the fuel’s capacity. Managers should encourage their drivers to turn off the engine if they stop at any location. The reduction of unnecessary engine idle time is effective for saving fuel costs, and it is also considered to be an effective way for improving the lifespan of a vehicle.
GPS tracking devices are calibrated to notify a driver as well as a manager on the idling time of the vehicle, and it enables the manager to take an action regarding the elimination of excessive fuel.
Monitor Speeds
It is no surprise that the modifications made to the GPS and wireless technology has enables the vehicle tracking and fleet management systems to add important features, which are responsible for keeping track on the speed on the vehicle in a real-time manner. It is considered as an effective solution for enabling the organizations to communicate as well as improve the effectiveness of a business. It also keeps track on the data retrieved for fuel consumption, vehicle speed, fuel efficiency, and it also takes care of the vehicle maintenance schedules.
Once the acquired data is leveraged, it could be used for improving the operational efficiency of a vehicle, which allows a company to save thousands of dollars on fuel costs. The installation of the GPS tracking devices also enables the drivers to practices accountability and safer driving habits on the roads. If the behavior of an employee is being monitored, it results them in keeping speed intact and follow a prescribed gas mileage, which is an excellent method for saving money.
Optimize Routing
When managing a fleet system—a driver may come across various factors which might increase the operational costs of a business. These factors may account for starting an engine, running the vehicle at a high speed, and parking the vehicle on idling mode. These factors are responsible for burning fuel at an accelerated rate; hence, it increases the operational cost of a business.
It requires a business to optimize their routing, so they could deliver and transport good within a short span of time, and make multiple stops without compromising the usage of fuel. However, if the number of locations and stops are more likely to change frequently or, a driver is required to dispatch an order without any appointment, it makes it immensely imperative for a fleet manager to determine the overall number of stops in a number, and assign efficient routing to a driver for saving fuel.
GPS tracking devices are considered ideal for establishing a short work schedule by working as sole applications. Alternatively, they could be conjoined with exclusive routing applications using API systems for determining a short route to a destination. Routing and work schedule proves effective for conversing fuel, and it also allows a driver to deliver to multiple locations in a day. However, one should remember the difference between optimizing the routes and planning the shortest routes.
The objective of optimizing a route allows a driver to maneuver a roadway in such a way that he is able to negate the traffic and to avoid idling effectively. It allows a fleet manager to replace the traditional dispatcher process with an automated GPS tracking system. The installation of such unique system is more likely to improve the management by 25%. It enables tracking and contacting drivers in one go, as opposed to reaching out to them via a phone call. It results in burning few gallons of the fuel, and it is responsible for extending the lifetime of the vehicle. It enables the delivery fleets and service providers to improve their services and save the excessive consumption of fuel at the same time.
Maintain Accurate Records
It is no wonder that when handling a fleet system, a manager is more likely to bear excessive fuel cost due to its consumption, and it could require them to refuel a vehicle consistently—which is not a good move for a business’ budget. Also, monitoring the expenses of the fuel is an effective way to keep track and manage the fuel expenses. It has resulted in the fleet operators to adopt fuel programs, which are dedicated to saving and managing the costs of the fuel.
The role of the fleet management program is fundamentally based on helping a fleet manager/operator to track the purchases, and the fuel card merchants may be obliged to offer reasonable rates to their clients, as a delight to them.
Once a fleet manager has implemented these measures systematically, it initiates the management of fuel accurately. To make the best use of such management program, a fleet manager can consider integrating a GPS fleet tracking solution for enabling the mileage and purchase data, which assists them to maintain accurate records. The statistics obtained from such data can be further utilized for improving the fuel purchase behavior on a company’s behalf.
Any business that uses an extensive fleet system should use such fuel management programs for monitoring the frequency of fuel purchase, and it also allows them to determine the opportunities for saving money in the future. The integration of GPS tracking devices provides them with vital information pertaining to the location of the vehicle. It keeps them informed on the data of a vehicle on the merits of its vehicle mileage by state, and it makes it easy for them to operate a business effectively.
Also, if an employee is working remotely—he has complete control over the vehicle, and he can use the vehicle for his personal use. The unauthorized use of vehicle during the after-hours is more likely to cost a business thousands of dollars on an annual basis. It also results in amassing unexpected fuel costs, and it requires them to pay for the maintenance of the vehicle. The GPS fleet tracking systems are equipped with the ability to notify a manager on the unauthorized use of the vehicle—which requires them to take action against a driver.
Streamline Vehicle Maintenance
The well-maintained engines are responsible for operating effectively, and they tend to yield better outcomes as opposed to its counterparts. It is an excellent solution for saving money. It also allows the fuel operators to save money on excessive fuel expense. The GPS fleet management systems are also equipped with the ability to generate summarized reports, schedule notification, and maintenance logs, which could be used for streamlining the maintenance of a vehicle.
Vehicles tend to do their best if they are maintained, and it results them in saving fuel usage as well. A neglected engine is more likely to use excessive fuel; hence, it is more likely to result in increasing the overall fuel costs.